ETF Bitcoin comes to Japan? The government is preparing for the final ban

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They say journalists never really leave. But for Christian it is not only a metaphor, it is a lifestyle. During the day, it navigates the constantly changing waves of the cryptocurrency market, holding words like an experienced editor and craft articles that will decipher jargon for the masses. However, when the computer goes into hibernation mode, its aspirations take on more mechanical (and sometimes philosophical) turnover.

Christian’s journey with the written word began long before the Bitcoin era. In the holy academic rooms, he refined his craft as a writer in his paper. This early love of telling the story paved the way to a successful place as an editor at the Data Engineering company, in which his essay from the first month he financed the monthly supply of Doggie and Kitty Treaty-consciousness of his dedication to his fur companions (more about it later).

Then Christian wandered around the world of journalism, working in newspapers in Canada and even in South Korea. Finally, he settled in a local information giant in his hometown in the Philippines for a decade, becoming a total junk of messages. But then something modern caught his eyes: cryptocurrency. It was like a search for treasures mixed with telling stories – straight his alley!

So he landed the killer in NewsBTC, where he is one of the guys for all Crypto things. He breaks these confusing things into pieces of bite -sized pieces, making it easier for everyone to understand (greets his managing team for teaching him this skill).

Do you think Christian is a job and without fun? There is no chance! When he is not at your computer, you will find him when he has a passion for motorcycles. Real equipment, Christian loves to tinker with his bike and enjoy the joy of an open road to its 320 cm3 Yamaha R3. Once a speed demon that hit 120 km / h (a feat he swore he would never happen again), now he prefers calmly riding along the coast, enjoying the wind in his hair.

Speaking of coldness, Christian has a crew of fur friends who are waiting for him at home. Two cats and a dog. He swears that cats are smarter than dogs (sorry, grizzly), but he loves them all. Apparently watching his animals just rest, helps him analyze and write meticulously formatted articles.

It’s about this guy: he works a lot, but he stays on enough coffee to go through all day – and a bit delicious (Filipino) food. He says that a delicious meal is a secret component of a deadly article. After a long day of cryptocurrencies, crusades relax with rum (mixed with milk) while watching Slapstick movies.

Looking to the future, Christian sees a brilliant future with Newsbtc. He says he sees that he is privileged to be part of an amazing organization, sharing his knowledge and passion with the community he values, and other editors – and bosses – he deeply respects.

So the next time you enter the world of cryptocurrency, remember a man standing behind the words – cryptor crusader, fat monkey and cats, all in one.


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