Why Litecoin will not explode – the analytical company reveals the cause

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Intotheblock market intelligence platform was explained by the reason why Litecoin has recently got stuck in the range from 90 to 130 USD.

Litecoin Exchange Netflow recently followed the fascinating pattern

In novel post WX, the ITOTHEBLOCK analytical company discussed a pattern that Netflow in Litecoin Exchange showed during the recent phase of consolidation at the price of assets.

“Netflow Exchange” refers to a chain indicator that follows the net cryptocurrency amount that enters or leaves wallets associated with all centralized exchanges.

When the value of this record is positive, it means that the influence of these platforms prevail over the drain. In general, one of the main reasons why investors paid their coins in the exchange of stock exchanges are sales -related goals, so this type of trend may be a bear LTC price mark.

On the other hand, the indicator below zero suggests that owners withdraw the number of net tokens from the replacement. Such a trend can be a sign that investors are in the accumulation phase, which can naturally have a stubborn impact on assets.

Here is the chart divided by Intotheblock, which shows the trend in Netflow Litecoin Exchange over the past few months:

As you can see in the chart above, Netflow LTC Exchange has shown an fascinating pattern in the last few months. It seems that the deposits increased when the cryptocurrency increased to restore the upper level of consolidation worth 130 USD, while the outflows took place during the dips.

“The data suggest that Litecoin traders use price swings, increase payments and deposits for sale in jumping and purchase on dips,” notes the analytical company. “This pattern helped maintain LTC trade in the range of 90 to 130 for about three months.”

Given this trend, it is possible that the cryptocurrency would have a problem with escaping in this field, so as long as whales they will continue to trade in this way. In this way, Netflow Exchange can be on the eye to see when the salesman’s behavior finally changes.

Currently, Litecoin trades quite near the upper side channel, but Netflow Exchange is still at a neutral level (that is, the influx balance the outflow). It will only turn out if it is a sign that whales change everything, or whether it is only a momentary deviation.

LTC price

Most of the cryptocurrency sector showed that the last day was red, but Litecoin showed a discrepancy because its price increased by almost 3%, reaching a 127 USD mark.

Litecoin price chart


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